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Service item > Scaffolding work

Scaffolding work

 Scaffolding is a working platform set up in order to ensure the smooth progress of each construction process。按搭设的位置分为外脚手架、里脚手架;按材料不同可分为木脚手架、竹脚手架、钢管脚手架;按构造形式分为立杆式脚手架、桥式脚手架、门式脚手架、悬吊式脚手架、挂式脚手架、挑式脚手架、爬式脚手架。

Development process and trend
上世纪80年代初,我国先后从国外引进门式脚手架、Bowl snap脚手架等多种型式脚手架。门式脚手架在国内许多工程中也曾大量应用过,取得较好的效果,由于门式脚手架的产品质量问题,这种脚手架没有得到大量推广应用。在国内又建了一批门式脚手架生产厂,其产品大部分是按外商来图加工。Bowl snap脚手架是新型脚手架中推广应用最多的一种脚手架,但使用面还不广,只有部分地区和部分工程中应用。
90年代以来,国内一些企业引进国外先进技术,开发了多种新型脚手架,如插销式脚手架,CRAB模块脚手架、圆盘式脚手架、方塔式脚手架,以及各种类型的爬架。至2013年,国内专业脚手架生产企业百余家,主要在无锡、广州、青岛等地。Technically speaking, China's scaffolding enterprises have the ability to process and produce various new scaffolds。However, the domestic market has not yet formed, and the construction enterprise's understanding of the new scaffold is not enough。
随着我国大量现代化大型建筑体系的出现,Fastening type钢管脚手架已不能适应建筑施工发展的需要,大力开发和推广应用新型脚手架是当务之急。实践证明,采用新型脚手架不仅施工安全可靠,装拆速度快,而且脚手架用钢量可减少33%,装拆工效提高两倍以上,施工成本可明显下降,施工现场文明、整洁。
Different types of engineering construction choose different uses of scaffolding。Most of the bridge support frames use bowl buckle scaffolding, and there are also portal scaffolding。主体结构施工落地脚手架使用扣件脚手架的居多,脚手架立杆的纵距一般为1.2~1.8m;The horizontal distance is usually 0.9~1.5m。
Compared with the general structure, the working conditions of the scaffold have the following characteristics:
1, the load variability is large;
2、扣件连接节点属于半刚性,且节点刚性大小与扣件质量、安装质量有关,节点性能 存在较大变异;
3、脚手架结构、构件存在初始缺陷,如杆件的初弯曲、锈蚀,搭设尺寸误差、受荷偏心 等均较大;
4. The connection point with the wall has a large binding variation on the scaffold。 对以上问题的研究缺乏系统积累和统计资料,不具备独立进行概率分析的条件,故对结构抗力乘以小于1的调整系数其值系通过与以往采用的安全系数进行校准确定。Therefore, the design method adopted in this specification belongs to semi-probability and semi-experience in essence。The basic condition of design calculation is that the scaffold meets the structural requirements specified in this code。
Fastening type
1) Large bearing capacity。当脚手架的几何尺寸及构造符合规范的有关要求时,一般情况下,脚手架的单管立柱的承载力可达15kN~35kN(1.5tf~3.5tf,设计值)。
2) Convenient installation and disassembly, flexible installation。由于钢管长度易于调整,扣件连接简便,因而可适应各种平面、立面的建筑物与构筑物用脚手架。
3)比较经济,加工简单,一次投资费用较低;如果精心设计脚手架几何尺寸,注意提高钢管周转使用率,则材料用量也可取得较好的经济效果。Fastener steel pipe frame equivalent to about 15 kg of steel per square meter of construction。
1) Fastener (especially its screw) is easy to lose;
Bolt tightening torque should not be less than 40N·m, and should not be greater than 65N·m;
3) The connection quality of fastener nodes is significantly affected by the quality of fastener itself and the worker's operation。
3. Adaptability
1) Construct various forms of scaffolding, formwork and other support frames;
2) Assemble the derrick;
3) Erection of ramps, sheds, stands and other temporary structures,
4) As an aid to other kinds of scaffolding, strengthen the rods;
4. Set up requirements
根据连墙杆设置情况及荷载大小,常用敞开式双排脚手架立杆横距一般为1.05~1.55m, masonry scaffolding step is generally 1.20~1.35m, decorative or masonry, decorative dual-purpose scaffolding is generally 1.80m, vertical distance 1.2~2.0m。Its allowable height is 34~50m。When it is set to a single row, the vertical bar transverse distance is 1.2~1.4 m, vertical distance 1.5~2.0m。The allowable height is 24m。
纵向水平杆宜设置在立杆的内侧,其长度不宜小于3跨,纵向水平杆可采用对接扣件,也可采用搭接。如采用对接扣件方法,则对接扣件应交错布置;如采用搭接连接,搭接长度不应小于1 m,并应等间距设置3个旋转扣件固定。
脚手架主节点(即立杆、纵向水平杆、横向水平杆三杆紧靠的扣接点)处必须设置一根横向水平杆用直角扣件扣接且严禁拆除。The center distance between the two right-angle fasteners at the main node should not be greater than 150mm。在双排脚手架中,横向水平杆靠墙一端的外伸长度不应大于立杆横距的0.4倍,且不应大于500mm;作业层上非主节点处的横向水平杆,宜根据支承脚手板的需要等间距设置,最大间距不应大于纵距的1/2。
The bottom of each vertical pole shall be provided with a base or a backing plate。The scaffold must be equipped with vertical and horizontal sweeping rods。纵向扫地杆应采用直角扣件固定在距底座上皮不大于200mm处的立杆上。The horizontal sweeping bar shall also be fixed on the vertical bar immediately below the longitudinal sweeping bar by right-angle fasteners。当立杆基础不在同一高度上时,必须将高处的纵向扫地杆向低处延长两跨与立杆固定,高低差不应大于lm。The distance from the axis of the vertical pole above the slope to the slope should not be less than 500mm。
Portal steel pipe
1) Standardized geometrical dimensions of portal steel scaffold。
2) Reasonable structure, good mechanical performance, make full use of steel strength, high bearing capacity。
3) Easy installation and disassembly during construction, high erection efficiency, labor saving and time saving, safe and reliable, economical and applicable。
2) Cross support is easy to break at the middle hinge point;
3) The stereotyped foot plate is heavy,
4) The price is more expensive
3. Adaptability
1) Structural scaffolding
2) Support frame for beam and plate frame (bearing vertical load);
3) Structural activity table;
4. Set up requirements
1, the portal scaffold foundation must be rammed, and should do a good drainage slope to prevent water
2 、门式脚手架搭设顺序为:基础准备→安放垫板→安放底座→竖两榀单片门架→安装交叉杆→安装脚手板→以此为基础重复安装门架、交叉杆、脚手板工序。
3 、Portal steel pipe脚手架应从一端开始向另一端搭设,上步脚手架应在下步脚手架搭设完毕后进行。Set the direction opposite to the next step。
4 、每步脚手架的搭设,应先在端点底座上插入两榀门架,并随即装上交叉杆固定,锁好锁片,然后搭设以后的门架,每搭一榀,随即装上交叉杆和锁片。
5, scaffolding must be set up with a reliable connection to the building。
Bowl snap
1)多功能:能根据具体施工要求,组成不同组架尺寸、形状和承载能力的单、双排脚手架,支撑架,支撑柱,物料提升架,爬升脚手架,悬挑架等多种功能的施工装备。It can also be used to build facilities, sheds, lighthouses and other structures。Especially suitable for the erection of curved scaffolding and heavy support frame。
2) High efficiency: the longest common rod is 3130mm, weight 17.07kg。整架拼拆速度比常规快3~5倍,拼拆快速省力,工人用一把铁锤即可完成全部作业,避免了螺栓操作带来的诸多不便。
3)通用性强:主构件均采用普通的Fastening type钢管脚手架之钢管,可用扣件同普通钢管连接,通用性强。
4)承载力大:立杆连接是同轴心承插,横杆同立杆靠碗扣接头连接,接头具有可靠的抗弯、抗剪、抗扭力学性能。而且各杆件轴心线交于一点,节点在框架平面内,因此,结构稳固可靠,承载力大。(整架承载力提高,约比同等清况的Fastening type钢管脚手架提高15%以上,)
5)安全可靠:接头设计时,考虑到上碗扣螺旋摩擦力和自重力作用,使接头具有可靠的自锁能力。作用于横杆上的荷载通过下碗扣传递给立杆,下碗扣具有很强的抗剪能力(最大为199kN)。Even if the upper bowl buckle is not pressed tight, the cross bar joint will not come out and cause an accident。At the same time, it is equipped with a safety net bracket, a cross bar, a foot board, a foot board, and a ladder。Pick a girder.Wall support and other rod accessories, safe and reliable use。6) Easy to process: the main component with Φ48×3.5、Q235B焊接钢管,制造工艺简单,成本适中,可直接对现有Fastening type脚手架进行加工改造.不需要复杂的加工设备。
9) Easy to manage: the component series is standardized, and the exterior of the component is painted with orange。It is beautiful and generous, the components are stacked neatly, which is easy to manage the materials on site and meet the requirements of civilized construction。
10) Easy to transport: the longest component of the scaffold is 3130mtm, and the heaviest component is 40.53kg, easy to handle and transport。
1) The transverse rod is a stereotyped rod of several sizes, and the bowl buckle node on the vertical rod is pressed 0.6m spacing setting, so that the size of the frame is limited;
2) U-shaped connection pin is easy to lose;
3) The price is more expensive;
3. Adaptability
1) Construct various forms of scaffolding, formwork and other support frames;
2) Assemble the derrick;
3) Erection of ramps, sheds, stands and other temporary structures;
4) Structure strong combined support column;
5) Construct the support frame to withstand the transverse force;
2)灵活安全 可靠:可根据不同的实际需要,搭建多种规格、多排移动的脚手架,各种完善安全配件,在作业中提供牢固、安全的支持;
Aluminium alloy
1. All parts of aluminum alloy scaffold are made of special aluminum alloy material, which is 75% lighter than traditional steel frame
3. Easy and quick installation;Equipped with high-strength casters, movable。
4, the overall structure adopts the "building block" combination design, without any installation tools。
Aluminium alloy快装脚手架解决企业高空作业难题,它可根据实际需要的高度搭接,有2.32M/1.856M/1.392M Three height specifications。 There are two width specifications, wide and narrow。Narrow frame can be bonded on narrow ground, convenient and flexible。他可以满足墙边角,楼梯等狭窄空间处的高空作业要求是企业高空作业的好帮手。
Use requirement
1, the construction of high-rise scaffolding, the various materials used must meet the quality requirements。
3, scaffolding construction technical requirements should comply with the relevant regulations。
4, must attach great importance to various structural measures: scissors support, pull joints, etc., should be set according to requirements。
5、水平封闭:应从第一步起,每隔一步或二步,满铺脚手板或脚手笆,脚手板沿长向铺设,接头应重叠搁置在小横杆上,严禁出现空头板。And lay a long safety basketry every four steps between the vertical bar and the wall。
6, vertical closure: from the second step to the fifth step, each step needs to be set on the inside side of the outer row pole.00m高的防护样栏杆和挡脚板或设立网,防护杆(网)与立杆扣牢;第五步以上除设防护拦杆外,应全部设安全笆或安全立网;在沿街或居民密集区,则应从第二步起,外侧全部设安全笆或安全立网。
7, scaffolding should be higher than the top of the building or operating surface 1.More than 5m, and additional enclosure。
10、脚手架拆除时,应先检查与建筑物连接情况,并将脚手架上的存留材料,杂物等清除干净,自上而下,按先装后拆,后装先拆的顺序进行,拆除的材料应统一向下传递或吊运到地面,一步一清。It is not allowed to use the step dismantling method, and it is strictly prohibited to throw down or dismantle by pushing (pulling) down。
11, scaffolding, should set up a warning area, and send a special guard。In case of six or more strong winds and bad weather, scaffolding demolition work should be stopped。
12, the requirements for the foundation, the foundation is not usually, please use the adjustable base foot to achieve balance。The foundation must be able to withstand the pressure of scaffolding and work。
15, pay attention to safety during use, it is strictly prohibited to play on the shelf, to prevent accidents。
16, work is important, safety, life is more important, please be sure to keep in mind the above content。
1, support rod type suspension scaffold erection requirements
The use load should be controlled and the erection should be firm。搭设时应该先搭设好里架子,使横杆伸出墙外,再将斜杆撑起与挑出横杆连接牢固,随后再搭设悬挑部分,铺脚手板,外围要设栏杆和挡脚板,下面支设安全网,以保安全。
2. Setting of wall parts
According to the axis dimensions of the building, one is set every 3 spans (6m) in the horizontal direction。在垂直方向应每隔3~4米设置一个,并要求各点互相错开,形成梅花状布置,连墙件的搭设方法与落地式脚手架相同。
3. Vertical control
When setting up, it is necessary to strictly control the perpendicularity of the segmented scaffold, and the allowable deviation of perpendicularity:
4. Foot and hand board laying
5, safety protection facilities
Guardrail and foot board should be set up in each layer of scaffolding。
The connection between the erection pole and the erection beam (or longitudinal beam) of the cantilever scaffold。
6. Connection between cantilever beam and wall structure
7. Inclined tie rod (rope)
The inclined tie rod (rope) should be equipped with a tightening device so that the tie rod can bear the load after tightening。
8. Steel support
Steel support welding should ensure that the weld height and quality meet the requirements。
4、施工队伍接受任务后,必须组织全体人员,认真领会脚手架专项安全施 工组织设计和安全技术措施交底,研讨搭设方法,并派技术好、有经验的技术人员负责搭设技术指导和监护。
After erection and assembly of the scaffold, it shall be checked and accepted before operation。应逐层、逐流水段内主管工长、架子班组长和专职安全技术人员一起组织验收,并填写验收单。Acceptance requirements are as follows:
1, the basic treatment of scaffolding, method, buried depth must be correct and reliable。
2, the layout of the shelf, the vertical rod, the size of the bar spacing should meet the requirements。
3, the erection and assembly of the shelf, including the choice of tool rack and focus should meet the requirements。
4, the wall point or the fixed part of the structure should be safe and reliable;Scissor brace and diagonal brace should meet the requirements。
(1)对重型脚手架应该有清楚的认识,一般如果楼板厚度超过300mm,就应改考虑按照重型脚手架设计,脚手架荷载超过15KN/㎡,则设计方案应该组织专家论证。It is necessary to distinguish those parts of the steel pipe length change has a greater impact on the bearing capacity,对于模板支架应该考虑:最上面一道水平杆的中心线距模板支撑点的长度a不宜过长,Generally less than 400mm is appropriate (may need to be revised in the new specification),In general, the uppermost step and the bottom step have the greatest force when the vertical rod is calculated,Should be the main calculation point。当承载力不满组要求时应增加立杆减少纵横间距,或者增加水平杆减小步距。
Bar missing,纵横交接处未连接、扫地杆距地距离过大或过小等;脚手板开裂、厚度不够、搭接没有满足规范要求;大模板拆除后内侧立杆与墙体之间没有防坠网;剪刀撑在平面内没有连续;开口脚手架未设斜撑;脚手板下小横杆间距过大;连墙件没有做到内外刚性连接;防护栏杆间距大于600mm;扣件连接不紧,Fastener slip, etc。
Deformation accident
(1) Local deformation of scaffolding caused by foundation settlement。在双排架横向截面上架设八字戗或剪刀撑,隔一排立杆架设一组,直到变形区外排。The hip or scissors leg must be placed on a solid, reliable foundation。
(2)脚手架赖以生根的悬挑钢梁挠度变形超过规定值,应对悬挑钢梁后锚固点进行加固,钢梁上面用钢支撑加U形托旋紧后顶住屋顶。There is a gap between the embedded steel ring and the steel beam, and it must be tightened with a horse wedge。The outer end of the hanging steel beam is checked one by one and all tightened to ensure uniform force。

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Address: 21 Floor, Building 2, 9 Group Group, Longhu U City, University City Road, Shapingba District

Chongqing Ruichao construction Engineering Co., LTD成立于2006年,注册资金2060万元,拥有建筑工程总承包三级专业资质、decoration工程二级专业资质、模板脚手架专业资质、劳务分...

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